Behind the Image
Photography InstallationPre-Thesis Project Brief
“Images are constructed representations that reflect current events yet simultaneously shape ways of imagining the world and political possibilities within it. As formative fictions, images have consequences and play a role in world making. For the large numbers who see them, images are part of how we construct not just our points view, but our very understanding of the world at large in which we formulate our points of view. They influence us today and have an impact on the way we will assimilate that which we have not yet seen but might see tomorrow.”
Image Brokers by Zeynep Devrim Gursel
Images are ubiquitous, increasingly becoming volatile and are a critical component of contemporary visual culture, and they are complex cultural products. In these times with oversaturated imagery, questions such as
- What is behind the image? How do you read an image?
- What is the politics of the image?
- What are the lenses one uses to ‘see’ images?
become pertinent to visual professionals.
The project is focused in understanding the dynamics of static imagery, under the umbrella of ‘the city’.
My concept note:
Some of the individual photos used:
Some of my photographs from interviews with migrants living in Pottery Town, Bangalore:
Excerpts from some interviews:
Process of mapping out interviews and narrative themes:
Process images, including earlier trials with analogue photography, screen printing, and etching:
Cargo Collective, Inc. Los Angeles, Calif.